
Be Human.

Be Human.

Last week I was honored at the Women’s Empowerment Network’s annual brunch with the Vicki Pat -Sowe (VPS) award for community service which is presented to women who are dedicated to the empowerment of women and girls, who are active participants in organizations that address the concerns of women and girls, demonstrate dedicated leadership among women's organization(s), and/or have founded or run programs that focus on women and girls. 
It was such a humbling experience and I'm so grateful that they thought of me for such an honor. The brunch was full of amazing women from all walks of life, different career paths, mothers, wives, singles, divorcees, entrepreneurs, nurses, doctors, computer scientist, realtors, authors, politicians, human rights activists, chef's, tv producers, etc. It was amazing to see the beautiful spectrum of women in the room. I love that the founders of the organization allowed for quite a bit of time for the attendees to get to know one another. I don't really like the word networking much, it was more like connecting…I was able to connect with such amazing women, one of which shared that she considered herself a failure because she hadn't accomplished certain things at this point in her life. It saddened me to hear her say it because as we connected, I saw the brilliance within her. At this point we were just sharing about life so as she spoke she had no idea that I was a coach or the honoree. I was a woman at her table like the rest, sharing. I love it when we get to be human, when the conversation isn't about what we do but just who we are, what we feel, how we think…human.

When was the last time you had a human conversation with a stranger, one that lacked pride or pretentiousness? 

I hadn't prepared an acceptance speech, I prefer to just speak freely from my heart so I took the time to be human, to explain that my bio, read by one of the founders, was a highlight reel and while I'm grateful for the many opportunities I've had to serve, the features, accomplishments, etc., all of that is just a part of who I am and as a woman, I've struggled, made poor decisions, been hurt, felt insecure, just like everyone else. 

The next time you have the opportunity and when it's appropriate, share the human side of you with a stranger. Remind them that they are not alone. Don't let them think for a moment that you're this super human, super woman that has it all together. We completely rob God of all the honor when we do that...share a bit of you, the part that relies fully on God to carry you through.

P.S. Check out the latest LoveLetter here!



Time to move?

We can’t control everything but we can most certainly control our actions. The problem is that we don’t fully consider how our actions (the moves we're making or not making) today affect our future and we let fear keep us from living our best lives now.

“One of the saddest things in life is to get to the end and to look back in regret knowing you could've been, done, and had so much more.” - Hal Elrod

In The Miracle Morning, Elrod shares “Who you are becoming is far more important than what you are doing, yet it’s what you are doing that’s determining who you are becoming”. Wow! This had me thinking more and more about what I’m doing today and how it all affects my tomorrows for years to come.

If you’re like me, the first move is often the most difficult. Sometimes I need a push from one of my accountability partners, someone to say “You know it’s time to….” And that ‘…’ is typically a move of some sort that stretches me. 

Are you in that boat today? Is it time for a move of some sort in your life?

(Move) out of the basement, (Move) out of the office, (Move) off the pedestal, (Move) off the high horse, (Move) out of state, (Move) in with your parents, (Move) without your parents, (Move) up the ladder, (Move) the ladder, (Move) by yourself, (Move) away from the relationship, (Move) away from the past,(Move) out of your own way, (Move) out of someone else’s way...Move.

MOVE           MOVE                 MOVE

...out of you comfort zone and not just for the sake of doing so, but because you know that God is calling you to greater.



God is love.

The world is changing and the ability to not only recognize but also appreciate our differences is becoming increasingly more important.  We simply are not all the same. We don't have the same values, morals, or beliefs but we are one and as Christians we must remember that God is love.  Every day presents a new opportunity to share the love of Christ and lead more people (regardless of their race, religious beliefs, or moral compass) to HIM through our words, actions, deeds, etc. We either do that well or we don't.

I few years ago, while on vacation in Morocco, I met one of the most endearing souls I've ever encountered. He was small in stature but big in heart.  He spoke several languages, wore a fez and djellaba, and followed the teachings of Islam.

I met him while visiting the 'blue city' and although I don't remember his name, I do remember how I felt while walking through the beautiful city with him.

Yes, our beliefs differed but that didn't keep him from holding the umbrella over my head as I walked through the rainy cobbled lanes of Chefchauoen, or from grabbing my hand as some of the locals followed us, "not to worry habibiti they want to know if you are Michelle Obama" he said, and it certainly didn't keep me from embracing him with gratitude as I left Chefchauoen and headed to Tetuan.

Many of the images on my website are from my personal collection of photos taken while visiting Chefchauoen, Morocco. It is a place I will never forget. It's where I was reminded time and time again that God is love and there is a certain level of love and respect we should have for other human beings because we are one.

"We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race." #onelove
