Swimming lessons, already?

Yep, Queenie started swimming lessons last month and I thought I was ready but I absolutely was NOT.

We go to the neighborhood pool often and she loves it as much as she loves the last few moments of bath time when I let her splash around in the water, so I knew she would enjoy swimming lessons. What I didn't know is that I'd almost have a heart attack. Am I being dramatic? No! Well, a little.

All was going well in the class (the kicks, the songs, all that jazz) until the instructor says "Okay everyone, it's time to go under." Go under where? Who? I politely reminded him that Queenie is just 10 months and he politely ignored me. ;/

I'm like...I'm sorry, are we training for the Olympics? What in the Simone Manuel is going on here? Queenie is not competing and has her whole life to learn to go under, why start now? - I said none of that aloud.

I get in line with the other parents who are petrified (they had to be and if they weren't, what-ever).

Before I knew it, Queenie was under, back up, and looking at me like "mom, you've really got to relax." Why do I get the sense that this will be the underlying tone of our relationship?



Queenie is moving and shaking!


Queenie is moving and shaking!

Queenie’s moving and shaking…

Literally, this girl is all over the place and in to everything and I love it. She’s quite fearless, full of personality, and super funny. She’s able to communicate what she wants, doesn’t like, etc. She’s such an amazing little human!

Ooooh and she’s saying hi, bye-bye, and MA-MA!!! Yep, MA-MA! Music to my ears!

We went on our first vacation last weekend and she was such a big girl on the plane. She enjoyed looking out the window and waving at other passengers. I think she enjoyed the beach but wasn’t quite sure what to do with the sand since I wouldn’t let her eat it; but she thoroughly enjoyed the pool!

We’ve moved past purees for the most part and she’s all about chicken, mashed potatoes, and string beans except when she isn’t about any of the above and refuses to eat. ;/

She’s really making waves and I’m here for it!


See below for a few of my favorite things...





...a lesson on God's perfect timing, again


...a lesson on God's perfect timing, again

Today was everything! And by everything I mean yayyyy, ugh, rain, blower, where are my flanges?, rain ugh, omg, yayyyy, happy tears! LOL

I woke up, cuddled and nursed baby girl, packed my mommy bag, kissed baby girl and headed out to volunteer at The Momference. I was a little late, thanks to the liquid sunshine but 'on time' nonetheless as I arrived safe and sound. 

We're about mid way through the conference and it's time to pump. No problem, the ladies of District Mother Hued have all bases covered and there's a nursing room! There's just one problem, I forgot my flanges. Major blower!

As engorgement sets in, I wait for my car and head back home in-the-RAIN, annoyed with myself for not double checking my bag. I get back home, thank Auntie K for hanging out with Queenie, and sit on the floor with baby girl to begin our time of play, nursing, and napping.

Queenie has other plans and sets her eyes on the latest toy from Auntie M which is a few feet away. She gets in position to crawl (she's been doing this off and on but usually changes her mind), I grab my phone anyway and start recording. My heart starts beating as she begins to crawl, one knee after the other as my eyes fill with tears. My baby girl is crawling! God's timing is perfect!!!!

So yes, I left the conference early and annoyed because I couldn't finish volunteering but I was right on time to see my baby girl crawl. Perfect timing indeed!


See below for a few of my favorite things...





Whoooaa Six Months?!

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Whoooaa Six Months?!

Actually, she's almost seven months. Sigh, where is the time going?

What's new? Hmmm She's rolling over, sitting up, talking back, laughing, being silly, and pulling mommy's hair [she gets a kick out of this]. She knows her name too and will ignore you if she doesn't want to be bothered.

Latest culprit?

Well, as you may recall, I got rid of C-cap! But now I'm working on evicting the drool rash! I stand by coconut oil so I'm lathering her up a few times a day and it seems to be working.

Favorite Moments-

I'm seriously cherishing every moment so it's hard to denote favorites but I absolutely love our night time reading sessions. I've been reading to Queenie since she was in the womb and that time together is so precious. She hangs on every word, well when she's not trying to take the book or turn the pages. She typically gives me a nudge (taps the book) when she's ready to go to the next page and even fusses if I turn a page too quickly, it's the cutest thing ever!

She's a lot more mobile now so here are a few of my favorite things for play time!




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Queenie is on purees and I'm just trying to freeze every moment...


Queenie is on purees and I'm just trying to freeze every moment...

Time is flying sigh