Wait. What? Wow! It all happened so fast, kinda. I mean, it feels like I found out I was pregnant, lovingly shared the news with family and friends, had the most epic baby shower ever, and then had a baby all in the same day. Maybe it's because I thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant. I mean, really enjoyed it. I loved every moment of it, especially once I came to terms with the fact that I would be completely responsible for the little person growing inside of me (no pressure).
I marveled at the way my body changed, captured weekly photos, styled the bump, read to my baby, prayed over my baby, and held complete conversations with her daily....I completely surrendered to the journey. God is amazing.
She's here and this is serious business. It's non-stop, like go, go, go!!! My daughter is seven weeks + 4days (teeheehee - mom speak). I sleep when she sleeps but with one eye open, which I've mastered. She does give me a bit of a long stretch [of sleep] in the evening so during that time I take care of household stuff, check emails, read, bathe for longer than two seconds, blog(this is the first since she's graced us with her presence), etc.
I'm looking forward to sharing The Adventures of Little Miss Queenie as I have no doubt that this will be a beautiful adventure.

A Few of My Favorite Things
